Let's Hang out Together

Everyone of us needs a little help sometimes.
The thing is, we are all different, and there’s  no “one size fits all” solution.

Wouldn’t it be great if you had someone whom you could trust …to listen, assess your situation from an energetic perspective, and guide you to see things with different eyes?

Just a small shift of your energy can create a whole new world of possibilities.

If this resonates with you, perhaps my Inner Circle Mentoring program is for you.

For a small monthly contribution, you can become one of 12 people who receive personal one-on-one Feng Shui mentoring from me and participate in a monthly group coaching session.

To learn more, and to decide if this is a good fit for you, I invite you to book a 20 minute coffee chat with me below.

It really is all about the Chi...

What my Clients say

Dr. Keshia A. , Florida USA

“So much has happened, so much has shifted.
I’m still taking in the wisdom all around and inside me…
I just want to say a HUGE thank you!
If I had to offer one word for this experience, it would definitely be AMAZING!!!
A close second…. AMAZINGLY HEALING!!!”

Usha P , Tobago/Germany

 Thanks Wendy so much for that special evening. This morning I woke up as a somewhat different person. Something really shifted, NO joke!!!!! It’s as if I look through different glasses. Everything is the same, only I see it and feel it in a different way. I haven’t felt so good and “just right” in a very long time !!! Thank you thank you. it really clicked! I found my switch!!!!! Yahoooo!!!!!!!! Love you so much!

Marjorie L , Vancouver USA

You are very, very wonderful at what you do and offer to folks. You have beautifully blended practical, straight forward thinking, with the ancient, more esoteric traditions and made a lovely package.