Feng Shui for a Joyous Garden

Feng Shui for a Joyous Garden

  • Learn how to create a beautiful oasis with ancient Feng Shui landscape techniques.
  • Let your garden be a delightful space that enhances your home and your lifestyle.
  • Feng Shui can help you to design your garden to bring you a sense of peace and joy... while supporting the energy of health, abundance and love!

This specialty workshop is offered by request only.

Contact me to plan your own workshop event

What my Clients say

Claude La F , Switzerland

I really enjoyed this introduction to Feng Shui. Ms Yawching uses her many years of presenting topics very well. Her passion for Feng Shui is evident. She introduces the different elements very well. One can quickly appreciate the advantages of using Feng Shui in everyday life. The examples she asked us to work with contribute to our understanding of the topic. A truly enlightening and enjoyable experience.

Sharon M. , New York, USA

Thank you Wendy for blessing us with your amazing knowledge! You have beautifully blended the practical with the intangible in a way that anyone can understand and use! I feel so inspired, and i'm excited to learn more about your approach to Feng Shui.

Marjorie L , Vancouver USA

You are very, very wonderful at what you do and offer to folks. You have beautifully blended practical, straight forward thinking, with the ancient, more esoteric traditions and made a lovely package.